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Call to order: Dean Sprague began the meeting at 6:55 pm.  35 people were in attendance

Officer reports:


            VP David Poe: shares a few jokes with the club

            Treasurer David Diener: (out of town) the club balance was estimated at approx. $3500

Publications Corky Guenther: reported that we need additional stories and pictures from club members

Events Erik Jordan: Announced 2 club events, Fall Picnic @ Hawks Hill October 19th at 10:00am and Breakfast in the Mountains @ Daniel Boone Inn on October 26th at 9:30 am. Cash only $14.91 each

Webmaster Kathy Ahrendt:  discussed the contribution for the annual Christmas Party.  The cost is $22.00 a person with a proposed $10.00 per person to be paid by the club (there was unanimous approval by voice of members present) thereby leaving a balance of $12.00 per person.  Also she discussed a silent auction as a fund raiser including a raffle of baked goods please let her know what you intend to bring

Old Business:


            Reminder Mike will present his 10-year restoration of an Austin Healy Sprite at the November meeting

David Poe suggested a leaf tour to Banner Elk after the Daniel Boone Inn breakfast; he volunteered to lead the drive

New Business: 

            Board of Director’s Elections scheduled for next meeting and Tim Lincoln, TRL Sales contacted us looking to purchase old signage and sell it.  If interested his number is (585) 305-7727

50/50 Drawing:  $82:00 was collected, Jim and Laura Stapleton won $41:00, and Elsie Young won the gift drawing

Adjourn:  Dean Sprague adjourned the meeting at 7:45pm