The Catawba Valley British Motor Club
coming up Check Events for more info
March 29 -- Cars & Coffee
April 8 -- Monthly Meeting
April 12 -- Car Show at Shelton Vineyards
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Cruise In Listing - Click to see what's going on in our area
The Catawba Valley British Motor Club is a very active Club that offers lots of fun events and gatherings for its Members.
We are always happy to have others join our Fun Club. We are loosely centered in Hickory located in the Piedmont of North Carolina.
The Blue Ridge area of the Appalachian Mountains provides much beauty as well as many wonderful rolling mountain roads for the British automobiles we love to drive.
The Club meets on the Second Tuesday of each month to discuss Club Business and plan activities.
These Meetings are scheduled at local 'pubs' where good food and atmosphere provide congenial environments for the gathering of the 'faithful'...
dedicated to the restoration, preservation, and enjoyment of all British automobiles - from the diminutive 'Mini' to the largest Rolls Limousine and from the oldest MG to the newest Aston Martin.
It is probably safe to say that all of CVBMC's Members enjoy the Design, Beauty, Performance, and Class of British automobiles.
But we also enjoy driving them - and this very beautiful area of North Carolina offers some of the best in Sport Driving Fun.
Our Members gather often to enjoy the many Planned Club-Sponsored Events and Social Gatherings throughout the year.
We regularly get together for Drives with the Gang or for one of our Fun Weekend Getaways!
Many of our members also participate and compete in Events sponsored by other Car Clubs around the state.
For example:
• "The Gathering" Show held at Shelton Vineyards, Dobson, NC
• The Autolawn Show in Hickory, NC,
and many other Local and Not-So-Local Shows and Events.
We love to drive our cars and we find the excuse to get them out often!
We recently started gathering at Coffee Shops in the Hickory area one Saturday a Month for “Cars & Coffee.” We kick tires for a while, sip great beverages, and then head out to explore in our British cars. Sometimes we have a destination in mind,
sometimes we just let a destination find us. We have fun no matter what happens!
If you would like to Join the Club, please visit our Membership Page or Download our Membership Application.
We hope you will enjoy our Website and please contact us if there is any information we can help you with!
We now have new CVBMC Logo Hats in stock...
Find out about them by clicking here.