CVBMC is now on Facebook! 




As a supplement to our website, CVBMC now has a Facebook page.
For those with existing Facebook accounts, just type in the Facebook search bar and you will find the page. Make sure you “like” and “follow” the page to get updates delivered to your Facebook news feed.

Using the tabs, you can view posts, events, videos and photos posted to the page. You can also share content with other Facebook users or pages. This is a great way to share our activities with other enthusiasts, and to keep up with their activities as well. We will endeavor to keep the events synced to the CVBMC website, and plan to include CVBMC events and other events of interest to members.

If you don’t currently have a Facebook account, you can preview the page here: In order to make full use of the site you will need to setup a Facebook account. For new users here is a guide to get you started:

Randy Wright


Club meeting is November 12th. Location Harbor Inn Seafood