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Call to order: President Dean Sprague called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm. 36 people were in attendance. The meeting was held at Captain’s Galley, Hickory, NC.

Officer Reports:

VP David Poe- shared several opening jokes, no info to report

Treasurer Diana Makransky- The treasury is $2598.47

Membership-Gary Shaver- still has 57 paid members for 2017

Publications-Corky Guenther- he has received 2 articles so far need more.

Events- Erik Jordon-September 16 Miller Airport Fly In, Mooresville, NC. Same day, Gold Standard Cars and Coffee @9am on US70 Hickory, NC. Same day Steel Rubber car show in Denver, NC. Sept. 30 Autumn in the Mountains, Hendersonville, NC. Same day MGs on the Green, Concord, NC. Also Sept 21st Auto Fair car show in Hickory, NC.

Webmaster-Kathy Ahrendt- Sept 14th an “over the hill day trip” to South Mountain Distillery then JDs for lunch and off to Dave and Kathy’s for dessert. All come if you can.

Old Business:

  1. Update on prior events: Waldensian Festival & Autolawn- Harley Blodgett attended said a good time was had by all.
  2. Status: Picnic in the Mountains- David Poe commented we should shoot for October or November
  3. Status: Fall Rally- Tom Young said he was working on it.

New Business:

  1. Presentations: Charities for club Christmas donations: three were suggested, Foothills Conservancy, Highways& Hedges and Salivation Army. Members can Email their selection for next meeting where final vote will be taken.
  2. Larry Pen has retired and is willing to work on member’s cars. His number is (704) 507-8163 if interested.
  3. David’s Birthday is today he has turned 80 years of age.

50/50 drawing was held. Priscilla Guenther won the pot. $75.00 total and $37.00 for her. The meeting Adjourned at 8:01pm.