CVBMC Meeting Minutes February 14, 2017

Call to order: President Dean Sprague called the meeting to order at 7.04 pm. 48 people were in attendance. Dean announced that Clay Rawn is in Frye Hospital after a heart attack. The Website will be updated with results of Clay’s progress.

Officer Reports:

VP David Poe—David Poe discussed the results of the survey after the Christmas Party. The Crowne Plaza will remain the venue for the party. The majority of people wanted to keep the silent auction as a feature. Some new suggestions were to add a Toy or food drive to the event. Kathy Ahrendt asked if the Crowne Plaza should be booked now for next year and the vote was unanimous.

David also reported that his wife, Becky, is doing well at the assisted living facility.

Treasurer Diana Makransky—Treasury has $1350.41

Membership-- Gary Shaver: There are 45 paid members for 2017 so far. Gary is still accepting membership money. Joe and Dixie Pitea are new members, owning two British cars.

Publications—Corky Guenther asked for new articles for The Marque.

Events—Erik Jordan is on the road in New Hampshire. Dean Sprague discussed the Elite Vehicle Restorations event on March 4 from 10am – Noon. The cars will meet at 9am in the Burger King parking lot in Claremont to go together to the event. Lunch will be announced later.

Check the Website for all events.

Webmaster Kathy Ahrendt— Kathy can tell that people are starting to use the Website more!!

Old Business:

Don’t forget to pay your dues tonight. They are $25.00 for basic membership and $36.00 with the British Marque also.

New Business:

Valentine’s Day Party was held. Thanks to Ann Diener, Bev Sprague, Kathy Ahrendt and Miriam Harris for their help in planning the event.

Next month’s meeting will have a guest speaker on Road Rallying and will present a slide show.

For the Good of the Order—

Dennis Makransky announced he had more hats for sale for $10.00.

Dean Sprague announced a new order for club shirts. $28.00 up to XL, $30.00 for larger sizes. Send Kathy or Dean an email if interested in the order.

Corky Guenther announced that he still has patches ($2.00) and badges ($35.00)

Mike Outen talked about having key fobs or some car related item made with our logo on it from a 3D printer. It was suggested that he get some more ideas and have samples for the club to look at at the next meeting.

Dennis Makransky announced Cars and Coffee on February 18 at 9am at Panera.

Several members gave updates on works in progress on their cars.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:42 pm by Dean Sprague.