CVBMC Meeting Minutes February 9, 2016

Call to order: President Dean Sprague called the meeting to order at 7pm. 48 people were in attendance. This meeting was the Annual Valentine’s Day party for the club.

Recognition of Guests: Gary’s granddaughter, Logan, was with him.

Dave Ault Retired Aeronautical Engineer, friend of Dean Sprague, is looking for a car.

Officer Reports:

VP David Poe—Lee Bailey (423-618-0215) has six TR4s for sale in a Hickory warehouse. He is willing to negotiate the prices because he is in Tennessee.

Treasurer Diana Makransky—(Not reported at the meeting, but the current amount is $2008.00).

Membership-- Gary Shaver. There are 42 paid members currently. Gary is still accepting membership dues.

Publications—Corky Guenther. Deadline is Friday, February 12, for all articles or information to go in the Marque. Patches are now available for $2.00 each.

Old Business: None.

New Business:

Rona Saunders and her Cupids organized the Annual Valentine Party at Captain’s Galley Restaurant on Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 6pm. The group was thanked for making a wonderful party with prizes, flowers, and candy for the ladies.

50/50 Drawing collected by Clay Rawn totaled $50.00 for the winner and $51.00 for the club. The winner was Marti Edger.

Meeting Adjourned by Dean Sprague and all were invited to stay and enjoy the party.