CVBMC Meeting Minutes January 12, 2016

Call to order: President Dean Sprague called the meeting to order at 7pm. 66 people were in attendance.

Recognition of Guests: Jerry Fox with a Morris Minor he’s had for 3 years.

Dr. Bill Straka with an RX7.

Scott Park with a TR3. Has artwork to acquire. TR3 sketch for $100.00 or best offer.

Officer Reports:

VP David Poe—No business yet, but ready for a new year.

Treasurer Diana Makransky—Treasury has $2513.00 before all of the new membership dues are in. January 12 is membership night, so she is collecting dues.

Membership-- Gary Shaver. There are 36 paid members currently.

Publications—Corky Guenther. Deadline is next week for all articles or information to go in the Marque. Patches will be ready by next month’s meeting. Car badges are $35.00 each. He has new club business cards for members to use for publicity for the club.

Events—Erik Jordan. The Gathering is at Dobson Vineyard from April 15-17. Cars and Coffee at Panera at 9am on Saturday, January 23.

Web Master—Kathy Ahrendt. Club money purchased new software for the Web Site at $144.00. If you have changed email let Kathy or Gary know so she can update the information.

Old Business:

Update on the Christmas Party: Kathy Ahrendt will not be organizing it next year. She recommends that a committee be appointed to plan it for next year. It will be at the Crown Plaza again and the meal price will increase $2.00. Chef’s Choice is the cheapest way to arrange for the food.

New Business:

Charlie Reed announced the article in the Claremont Courier January 2016 about the Annual Christmas Parade where it mentions our club attendance. 8-10 cars were present.

Safe Harbor Rescue Mission sent Dawn Stockton and Lisa Reeves to represent their organization at our meeting. Our club presented a check for $1,000.00 to the organization, collected from our Christmas auctions and raffles. Dawn explained what Safe Harbor is about and shared her appreciation for our check.

Rona Saunders invited everyone to the CVBMC Annual Valentine Party at Captain’s Galley Restaurant on Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 6pm.

Awards were presented to the following people:

Sandy Cox for Secretary 2015

Robert “Bobby” Cox for President for three years and vice-president for 4 years. Bobby made the suggestion to award those serving for multiple years along the way, instead of waiting to be recognized.

Harley Blodgett for membership chair for ten years

Kathy Ahrendt showed a design made to go on a shirt with the state outline and car club logo on it. Need to have an order of 12 before she will make the purchase.

Dean Sprague proposed the club buy the shirts for the board members and sell at cost for everyone else. Harley Blodgett made the motion and Dennis Makransky seconded. The motion passed.

Dean Sprague mentioned to send Erik Jordan an email if any member comes up with an idea for an event.

50/50 Drawing collected by Clay Rawn and won by Vance James, who turned the money ($61.00) back in to the club.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:40pm by Dean Sprague.

Respectfully Submitted
Ann Diener