CATAWBA VALLEY BRITISH MOTOR CLUB October 2015 meeting minutes

The CVBMC met at Billy’s BBQ on HWY 70 in Hickory N.C. on Oct. 13, 2015.  We had 46 members present, driving 10 LBC’S and 100% wearing club logos.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Bobby Cox.  One guest was present, Miss Andrea Martin,[ Dot Martin’s grand-daughter] is a senior at Alexander Central High School in Taylorsville N.C. She is a beauty!

John Adamson was welcomed back; John has been working out of the country for the past six months. It’s so good to have him back.

Tom Young was able to be present, Tom had a heart valve replacement on Wed. and felt able to be with us on Tuesday.

Leslie Barlowe gave us a report on Jerry Sicard, Jerry had quadruple bypass surgery this past week, she said he’s doing well and making jokes. 

Eric Jordan, Kathy Ahrendt and Dean Spraque gave out cards to prospective members this month. Harley Blodgett reported we gained two new members this month, William Carr of Lenoir and Greg Hollifield. We are always happy to welcome new members.

Our president asked everyone to consider serving as an officer of the club this year as we have several people stepping down. There was also discussion about including Hedges and Highways for joint contribution with Safe Harbor this year.  It was decided to talk more about this next month and ask the director of this organization to speak to us.  Gary Shaver made a motion to have a fundraiser this coming year, everyone thought it was a good idea so he was ask to make the arrangements.

A decision was made to have our next meeting at Billy’s BBQ next month.  Reports were given on the Auto Lawn, Millers Fly-In and the Roan Mtn. events

Margie Blodgett won the 50/50.

Meeting was adjourned by Bobby Cox.

Respectfully submitted

Sandy Cox, Secretary