The first meeting of 2015 was held at our home base the Harbor Inn in Hickory, N.C. on Jan. 13th. We were called to order by our new president, Bobby Cox, at 7:00 p.m.

We welcomed two new members, Owen and Sharon Gregory, originally from New Zealand now residing in Hickory N.C. They have a 1969 Triumph Herald 13/60 which Sharon’s grandmother bought new.

The weather was somewhat nasty so we had only one member driving an LBC. A big round of applause went out to Gene Spainhour for his bravery. We had 11 sporting club logo badges.

Owen Gregory was our only birthday for January and those celebrating anniversaries this month are: Dean and Bev Spraque, David and Becky Poe (51 yrs.) and Mike and Alice Outen (60 yrs). Congratulations to all of the members celebrating anniversaries.

Committee chairpeople gave their reports:
Treasurer: Diana Makransky, the treasury is in good shape.

Events: Eric Jordan: the Table Rock Sports Car Club is doing weekly runs if anyone is interested. Some of the members are looking into the possibly of sharing experience and knowledge of LBC’s with students at Watauga High School.

Membership: Harley Blodgett noted our membership stands at 33 paid and reminder phone calls will start soon.

Publications: Corky Guenther reminds members everyone had a first car, so write about it.

New Business: A check was presented to Debbie Haynes of the Safe Harbor Rescue Mission for $750.00 collected from our Christmas party auction.
It was announced Clay Rawn will now be doing the 50/50,
Also members are now asked to sign-in when attending the meeting. This will provide a count of members attending.

There was no old business.

Corky Guenther made a motion the Valentine party be held at Harbor Inn next month, this was seconded by David Poe. This was voted and approved by the members.

The program was an open forum: David Poe has a new red 1960 MGA which has less than 2,000 miles on a new restoration. Dean Sprague stated he was happy David has a car of color, he dislikes white cars. Dean then proceeded to tell of his new acquistion, a new WHITE truck and his restoration of his P-1800 Volvo, he discovered a bent cross member and has woes concerning the motor and pistons. We wish him the best of luck.
John Abernethy won the 50/50.

Meeting was adjourned by Bobby Cox


Minutes prepared by Sandy Cox