Minutes - November 11, 2014
CALL TO ORDER; Charles Reed
Number driving British cars -- 9
Officers Reports:
Treasurer: $2659.13/Club dues due in December: $36 with the Marque/$25 without the Marque
Membership: 69 members: New members--John and Mary Merhar of Hickory
Publications: Articles should be submitted for the Marque by the 18th of the month.
Events: Nov. 8, Saturday Cars and Coffee-25 people attended.
Southern British Car Show in Chattanooga Oct. 24, 25, 26: 4 cars attended and 3 won awards: Jerry Sicard’s TR6, 2nd place; Charlie Reed’s Austin Healey 3rd place; Corky Guenther’s MGB 2nd place.
New Business: Club Christmas Party to be held Tues. Dec. 9th at Crown Plaza in Hickory. The club will pay for a portion of the cost. Meal will be $13. Silent Auction items are needed.
New Officers were announced: President: Bob Cox, VP: Dean Sprague, Secretary: Sandy Cox, Treasurer: Diana Makransky, Membership: Harley Blodget, Events: Eric Jordan, Publications: Corky Guenther.
50-50 winner - Jerry and Kris Sicard