Minutes 3-11-14

Call to Order:   Vice President Jim Ferguson called meeting to order

Recognize members driving British Cars:  16 members

Recognize members wearing club badges:  11 members

Recognize new members or guests:  New member-Kevin Pennell They have an MGB Roadster

Guest speaker:

Vickie Murray- Director of Safe Harbor of Hickory which services homeless women and children with a Day Shelter and Enrichment Center. She thanked the club for their generous donation and explained the different services they offer. The club is considering contributing in the future also.

Officer Reports:

Ÿ         VP/Jim Ferguson- conducted the meeting in Charles Reeds absence.

Ÿ         Treasurer/Priscilla Guenther- Corky Guenther gave the report for Priscilla. Treasury has $2,020.75 at the close of February

Ÿ         Membership/Harley Blodgett - 72 members

Ÿ         Publications/Corky Guenther- articles for the Marque needed by March 15. Corky also remided the members of grill badges and magnetic signs for sale

Ÿ         Events/Eric Jordan- list was read for upcoming events through May

Ÿ         Web Master/Kathy Ahrendt- no new issues at this time

--Jim Ferguson spoke about their trip to Wytheville, VA to attend the Minis United/Mini 54. They have many ideas on how to have a good time in a Mini or any other LBC.


Old Business:

13 cars attended the Charlotte Air Museum on Saturday, March 8;

41 members attended Cars and Coffee on March 1st.

New Business: no new business

50/50 Drawing: Barwicks won the 50/50