January 8, 2013

The January meeting was held at the Harbor Inn Seafood restaurant located on Fairgrove Church Road in Hickory, NC.

Call to order - Welcome
Newly elected President Dean Sprague called the monthly meeting to order at 7 PM and welcomed new members Rick Neary and Steve Snyder.

Recognized members driving British cars
8 members drove British cars to the meeting.

Recognized members wearing club badges
20 members wore club badges to the meeting.

Recognized members Birthdays
Members  Vicki Outen, Beverly Monroe, Bill Cowden and Alice Outen all will celebrate their birthdays in January.

Recognized members Celebrating Anniversaries
Members Dean & Bev Sprague, Allan & Pat Whitt, Robert & Judy Lineburger and Alice & Mike Outen Sr. are couples celebrating their anniversaries in January.

Officer reports:

Vice-President, Charlie Reed was unable to attend the meeting so Rona Saunders gave the report for Charlie.  She gave a handout of an email from Charlie's granddaughter about a movie coming to Hickory, NC titled "Honor Flight" which is a heartwarming, feature-length documentary movie about a Midwest community joining together to honor World War II veterans one last time.  Before the theater will show it they have to have 68 reservations and the granddaughter is requesting members of the club go see it.

Treasurer, Priscilla Guenther reported the balance in the club checking account was $2,005.55 with the insurance bill yet to pay.
Corky Guenther added that there are still grill badges available which are $30; window decals for $2; and large door badges for $10 or $12 depending on the type you want.

Membership, Harley Blodgett reported that the club has 74 members of which 40 are paid.  He will contact the remaining 34.

Publications, Corky Guenther reported that he has enough articles he can submit to the next British Marque but as always he would like members to keep sending him more.

Events, Erik Jordan stated he will contact other clubs to get a copy of their events to put on our website calendar.  Bobby Cox working with Mike Outen would like for those members of the club interested in racing to go to racing events and if possible to be active in some of those.  Webmaster Kathy Arendt passed out a form for any member interested in a trip or an event.  These will be added to a list of events already listed on the club website.

Old Business:  Club jacket patches will be available for $4/ea.

The club made $809 from the Christmas party and this amount was donated to the Corner Table in Newton, NC which serves nutritious meals to men, women and children in need.  Since January, 2002 they have served over 200,000 meals.  Bobby Cox and Dean Sprague representing our club presented them the check.

The venue and meals for the 2012 Christmas party were such a success that the club voted to have the 2013 Christmas party at the Gateway again.  Clay Rawn made the motion to put down $150 to reserve the room and Bobby Cox seconded.  The membership passed the motion.  Kathy Ahrendt was given thanks for getting it all together.

New Business:  The Valentine's Day party will be held Tuesday, February 12th at Murray's in Morganton, NC.  The cost will be $19.05 per person which includes gratuity.  Members need check the club website and print the reservation form. It needs to be filled out and mailed with a check by February, 7th.

It was decided to start "Cars and Coffee" again on Saturday, January 12th.  The time and place will be posted on the club website before then.

Presentations were made to outgoing President Bobby Cox and out- going Vice-President Dean Sprague in appreciation for their service to the club during the 2012 year.

Tom Monroe gave a brief talk about the Bricklin since he was the chief engineer in charge during its' inception until production was halted.

Elsie Young won the 50/50 drawing.

The next meeting will be at the Harbor Inn and Seafood restaurant in Hickory, NC.

Meeting Adjourned.
Minutes by Kathy Monroe