By Corky Guenther
For several years, CVBMC member Randy Wright has been leading a “Autolawn Party Sunday Drive” under the auspices of the Table Rock Sports Car Club. This year Randy asked if CVBMC would provide sponsorship for the drive as TRSSC could no longer provide insurance coverage. See Randy’s accompanying article about the show. The drive started at the Paramount Automotive Porsche Dealership parking lot and ended at the Chalet Restaurant in Little Switzerland with a stop at the Catawba Meadows Park in Morganton. Randy divided the participants into two groups, “Spirited” and “Slower”. The Spirited group, Charlie Zagaroli in a Porsche 911 Carrera and Josh Speagle in an Audi RS Quattro departed first with the disclaimer that we might not see them again which proved to be partially true. The slower group headed by Randy consisted of (in order), a BMW Z3, Mauro Capobianco: MGB, Don Trice: Austin Healey 3000, your scribe and Priscilla: MGTC, Don Zerch: BMW Z3 and Tom & Elsie Young: Subaru. The route as plotted, was all two lane back roads with lots of curves and hills to provide an interesting tour. As it turned out, what was a leisurely drive for most of the slower group, was a bit in excess of a spirited drive in an MGTC. Three to four tenths for them is seven to eight tenths in a TC – at least on the Guenther posterior measurement scale. Maintaining even visual contact with the lead group in a car suspended by centuries old technology (Cart Springs circa 1804) updated in the 1930s with Lever Shock Absorbers from which time the TC design emanates and optimistically 60 HP, while at the same time trying to maintain Priscilla’s comfort at a level somewhat below Stark Terror (we obviously have seat – but not shoulder – belts and I have the steering wheel to hang on to while she has nothing but the underside of the dashboard to cling to) proved to be unsustainable. To give credit where due, Randy had provided printed route instructions but considering the aforementioned clinging, reading and following them was not in the cards. At any rate, we continued our merry, curvy and hilly way until we reached an intersection with (though I didn’t realize it upon the instant) NC 18 just south of Morganton. I pulled into a filling station and admitted to not knowing where we were or if even on the route (we weren’t, having missed a left turn somewhere). Don Zerch pulled up alongside and said he recognized where we were and offered to lead us and the Youngs to the Morganton Park. After two blocks, I did recognize where we were but happily wheeled along behind Don.
Arriving at the park we found the Ahrendts: MGA but no sign of either the Spirited or the others in the Slower group confirming my postulation of having missed a turn somewhere. Time to stretch. After a few minutes, the Spirited pair arrived and after a few more, the leading Slower group. After stretching by all and pit stops, we lined up for departure. This time we established ourselves at the rear of the line following the Ahrendts. Dave had entered the remaining route into their GPS so even if we could not maintain contact, we could reach the destination.
Leaving the park, we headed southwest out of Morganton again on two lanes then looped back northwest to connect with NC 80 known as The Devil’s Whip. We’ve been up this road before, and it is a challenge. Carved out of the mountainside of the Pisgah National Forrest the road covers 12.1 miles from its origin with US 70 to an intersection with the Blue Ridge Parkway and climbs about 2100 feet. After thinking about it, carved may not be the correct term. It’s more like just scraped a bit with little actual fashioning done. There are numerous curves and switchbacks which keep the TC in 2nd gear and 3500 – 4000RPM with an occasional excursion to 4200 - 4300. Can’t spend much time there as the harmonics tend to turn the main bearings to mush and going beyond yields more noise and not much else. We stopped briefly at the junction with the Blue Ridge Parkway before getting on and heading North to Little Switzerland for lunch at the Chalet Restaurant with a great view from the deck. We eventually determined that the Spirited pair had arrived, lunched, and departed prior to our arrival. From the Inn all went separate ways.
Thanks to Randy for planning a great trip.