By Tom Young
Thirteen cars participated in the turkey trot gimmick road rally on November 19th. Five cars were from Catawba Valley British Motor Club (CVBMC) with Gary Shaver and Jordan Keller taking the 2nd overall trophy. Harley Blodgett and Steve Snyder took best CVBMC participant other than the overall trophy.
It was a chilly and windy day but a few cars ran with their tops down. The course was approximately 54 miles long with co-rally master Marc Lees from Raritan Valley Sports Car Club creating the questions that proved you were on course. Spelling counted and questions on the left were to be left blank which many contestants forgot. To break ties there was a corn hole toss and overall mileage at the end.
A donation of $100 over cost was raised for Wounded and Widowed Marines of Catawba County.
Special thanks to “Shasta’s on the Lake”, Lake Norman, Catawba for their hospitality as the start/finish location.
It is my hope that everyone had fun. Please let me know if there is an interest within CVBMC for future rally events.
Happy motoring