From September 16, 2023 10:00 am until September 16, 2023 5:00 pm
At 241 Chestnut Oaks Dr. Bessemer City, NC
Categories: CVBMC Event
Hits: 1188
It’s time for our annual Picnic By The Pond at the Holland’s home in Bessemer City. We are expanding our scope this year and have invited the Catawba Valley British club to join this Broad River club event. It will be an opportunity to meet new people and see other cars.
We will begin at 10:00ish and our picnic lunch will be at noon. We will have a couple of long tables for any dishes folks wish to share pot luck style. No worries, Missy is already planning to make her scones and her Deviled Eggs. Paige’s banana pudding is legendary!
What to bring? Your lawn chairs, your fishing rods if you like to fish, your picnic lunch and something to drink. I’m sure the ladies will be into the Prosecco! And of course, drive your vintage British or Euro car. We will park these along the pond’s edge.
Our address is:
241 Chestnut Oaks Dr.
Bessemer City, NC 28016
When you arrive and come thru the gate, just inside the gate you’ll see red cones marking the path to the left to enter the picnic area along the pond. We will socialize and have our picnic lunch under the huge shady oak tree. Wear comfortable shoes if you want to walk the grounds. Lots of plants, gardens, and chickens to look at. The guys of course can tour the shop if wanted. We might even run a hit & miss engine.
Missy and I really look forward to seeing everyone at the picnic.
Curt & Missy Holland